Wednesday, November 10, 2010


It was just another lunch hour but this time, my nieces came with my sister and we went to a food court nearby for lunch.  As I was waiting to collect food for my 9 year old darling, she asked me for some soup.  A lady standing next to me also wanted some soup and I took her bowl and scooped the soup for her before I did with my niece's.  The lady did not notice  her soup bowl was full until when she wanted to take the ladle did she realised it.  She was surprised that a stranger would help and with gratitude thanked me.

I was glad I did and it felt good to do something nice for a stranger for a change.  This act of random kindness is one act which could change someone's life and even empowerment that person.  How often do we receive such kindness from strangers?  I have a few times and with a lot of gratitude I would say a blessing for that person.

Many moons ago, a young lad of about 5 years old acted with kindness by holding the elevator for me once. Surprisingly, his father told him not to but that young boy refused to listen to his dad (good for him).  I thanked him and he smiled. He had better sense that an adult.

Many a times, we forget that we need goodness for goodness to happen.  Look around,  do we greet one another anymore?  Now, common courtesy had to be taught on radio stations!  What is the world coming to?

Truly this are little miracles that happen and we have much to be grateful there are still lots of nice people around.  Inspiring and empowering one another can make a whole lot of difference because at that moment, someone's life can change for the better.

Waking up each day means that we are still alive to face another day and that is a miracle.  When someone blocks our way on the road especially when we are in a hurry  is a miracle.  What happens when we hurry? 
We tend to rush and speed and we can lose our common sense....... 

Seeing people smile, I mean really smile is also a miracle.  Look around us and see how many people would smile.  Even when you look at them, the smile just cannot break out!  I sometimes challenge myself to smile at a stranger (when I feel safe, that is).  I would have to wait a few seconds before that person can even smile back at me.  Children are the best!  They give you the most beautiful smile; even when they are shy.  :)

So remember giving a smile is also an act of random kindness.  Pay the cup of coffee  the person behind you ordered.  Or pay the toll for the car behind you.  Who knows, your path may cross again and somewhere somehow, he/she may even be the one to help you......