Sunday, October 24, 2010


These 700 steps upward that I took brought the awareness of my life.  Some dry and steady, some slippery, some shaky, some broken, some apart, some steep.......  Life is like that.

Climbing these steps with one good leg and the other with a caliper is very challenging indeed.  I wasn't prepared for the walk up as I was not told about this place. My plan was to go somewhere with modern facility. Still it was a memorable and triumphant journey for me.  Climbing Mt Kinabalu is one thing but Mt Singai is somewhat beautiful and yet treacherous for me.  Luckily, with the help of my two guardian angels, I made it up there and back down was also just as dangerous and treacherous.

As I took these steps, I was reminded that my life journey has been like these steps.  Sometimes, I take chances without considering the outcome.  Other times, things come my way and it made life so easy.  Also times when I had good fortune helping me out and made life happy and fun.  There were also times, when I had to stop to take stock of what is around me;  smell the fresh air, the sound of insects, the sunlight, the rain, the sight of people passing me by, greeting me, encouraging me, or just looking.

Some steps made  me sweat a little but I had no time to quit nor contemplate continuing my steps up because the only way to end the journey was to go back down but that would mean causing my loved ones to quit as well.  That is not right!  I was also determined to finish the journey.  I was reminded that there were moments when I wanted to quit did cause some hurt to people around me... Especially those who believed in me.

More to come......

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